Player Host Families are an integral part of any summer-collegiate baseball team, and are the lifeblood the team’s success. The NightOwls roster is comprised of college athletes from across North America, who will all call Nanaimo and area home for two and a half months in the summer, roughly 70 days.

As a Player Host Family, you are providing a ‘home away from home’ for your player(s) during the NightOwls season. In return, you will gain a memorable summer experience and most likely, a long lasting friendship. Host families often refer to their players as an adopted member of their family, as you form a bond that will last far beyond the end of the season.
The team will start having serious conversations with potential Player Host Families early in the 2021 calendar.
1. NightOwls Season
The NightOwls season is relatively short, but is very demanding. The West Coast League (WCL) season sees the NightOwls play 54 regular season and up to (hopefully!) 4-6 playoff games from early June to mid-August. The NightOwls will also play 4-8 additional exhibition games in this time, meaning they will play a total of more than 60 games in that 2.5 month period, at least 27 of which will be on the road.
Should the team qualify for the WCL playoffs, the season could be extended into mid August, but no later than August 20.
Accordingly, host families are required for our players from late May and the beginning of June, until mid August.
2. NightOwls Players
All players on the NightOwls roster are highly talented collegiate baseball players, currently playing and enrolled in school at prestigious universities and colleges across the United States and Canada. Our players come from all corners of North America, some from as far away as Florida, and Hawaii, and even Asia, while there is typically a high concentration of players from the west coast of the United States, as well as a strong number from British Columbia and Vancouver Island.
NightOwls players all share common goals and dreams for their baseball careers, while remaining committed to their academic success. The West Coast League has players from many of the finest collegiate baseball programs in North America, and as a result, has a very strong reputation for producing future professional and Major League players.
Accordingly, all NightOwls are fine, respectful young men who are a pleasure to have in your home, and are often regarded as another member of the family before long.
3. Expectations of a Host Family
Your primary role as a host family is to provide a safe and pleasant home environment for your player(s) for the duration of the season, which runs from the start of June until the middle of August.
Players will require comfortable sleeping quarters and access to bathroom (with bedding & towels) as well as laundry equipment.
Families should be prepared to provide food for 2 meals per day (breakfast & dinner OR post-game meal) however players are often not home for 2 meals per day. The team will also sometimes provide post-game meals and snacks at the stadium on game days.
Let your player know your house rules, as they apply to him. Feel free to include your player in family gatherings, dinner, outings, etc.
Expect your player to arrive home late after night games, which start at 6:35 pm, and will most likely need use of the showers when they arrive, as Serauxmen Stadium currently does not have a home team dressing room with showers.
Transportation to and from the field is not required, but is gratefully appreciated if and when you are able.
Players will be friendly, courteous and helpful.
4. Compensation
There is standard compensation to host families, in addition to NightOwls season tickets.
By becoming a NightOwls host family, you have the opportunity to play a very important role in the life of a student athlete, and aspiring professional baseball player. In turn, your player will be a positive influence, and will likely form a life long friendship with your family.